The Information and Communication Technology Department consists of Data Center and One Stop Shop Information Center. It is entrusted with providing accurate economic data and sound information about various economic sectors, markets and trade patterns.
The department is a vital part of TCCIA; it monitors the economic developments, international trade, tracks the changes in the price of consumer goods and services by producing Consumer Price Index (CPI), and prompts all stakeholders to benefit from these services.
Data Centre Data Centre forms an indispensable part of the services provided by TCCIA as it imparts well-documented information and up-to-date economic data and disseminates the findings of reliable studies in different economic sectors. It also monitors the economic trends and developments of Consumer Price Index (CPI), which is regularly passed on to all concerned parties for further analysis and manipulation.
One Stop Shop Information Center Provides members and non-members with economic information and statistics on recent economic development to assist them take accurate business decisions. The Center is located on every TCCIA Regional Offices and provides the following services:
1. Monthly, quarterly and yearly Economic Indicators for Tanzania and near by East African Countries.
2. Laws and Trade Agreements
3. Business Research Reports and Studies
4. TCCIA Quarterly and Annual Consumer Price Indices
5. Business Information
6. Introduction letters and “To Whom It May Concern” Certificates as per the following types:
Authorized Signature Certificates.
Business Practicing Certificates.
Certificates addressed to other International Chambers.
Membership Cancellation Certificates.
Certificates addressed to other Local Chambers.
Recommendation Letters.