Hon. Martine R. Shigella
Regional Commissioner – TANGA region, Tanzania
Welcome to the 8th Tanga Trade Fair 2020. This year we are linking Business, Trade, Commerce, Tourism, etc into a Regional Industrial Development mindset – Agriculture being the bottom line for achieving our vision and long term objective. Hence our theme for this year is “ Agriculture for Industrial Development”-.
Exhibitions are strategic extension of marketing plans. Some of the obvious benefits that you stand to gain if you chose to participate at Tanga Trade Fair include B2B with the leading players in your market sector, you enrich your company profile i.e. you create more company or product visibility, you explore new markets in your market sector, lastly but not least you advertise your existence.
Each year Tanga Trade Fair is expanding and becomes better. At the Tanga Trade Fair those who are interested to look for investment opportunities shall have an opportunity to meet with Local Government Authorities (LGAs) in their exhibition pavilions who shall be presenting investment opportunities available in their LGAs (Councils).
Tanga Region has identified main areas of investment opportunities. These being Industrial and Agricultural parks: agro processing, commercial agriculture or farming, natural resources beneficiation, service sector that includes hotels and tourism, modern markets and malls, banking, warehouses, real estate development and land surveying and mapping etc. Visit LGAs pavilions at the fair to avail the informational and have B2B discussions.
The organizing committee has worked extremely hard to make this event occur and be a success. I welcome you to participate either as an exhibitor or visitor and benefit as a result of your decision to come to Tanga Trade Fair.
In cooperation with the Ministry of Natural Resources and Tourism, through TAWA and DSM ZOO, at each of our fair we do show case live Animals in our ZOO area. This is an inducement for people and children, especially school children to have a feeling of the great natural resources we have , get a feeling what to expect to see when they visit these animals in their natural habitat at our regional National Parks of Mkomazi and Saadani,. The main objective being enhancing local Tourism.
At the trade fair , Services be it in health, social security, water and sanitation, tax education, ICT, financial etc these are part and parcel of the trade fair.
I take this opportunity to thank you all in advance believing that you will accept our invitation to participate either as exhibitors or as visitors to the fair.
Hon. Martine R. Shigella
Regional Commissioner – TANGA region, Tanzania